
Jana Tomčišinová


Having graduated in economy, she worked for 7 years in the company T-System, specialized in communication technology. Then, for the next 5 years, she worked for TV PRIMA. As a member of the production team, she was involved in European Football Cup EURO 2008, and then she became the senior assistant of the TV PRIMA management. Currently she’s a team member at GOOD TV PRODUCTION, SE. She took part in the production of the quiz show MŮŽEME DÁL? (Can We Enter?), the series NEVIDITELNÍ (The Invisible Ones), sitcom MARTA A VĚRA, or the live show MATTONI KOKTEJL FESTIVAL 2013, produced for the Czech TV. In 2013, she was part of the production team of Bolek Polívka’s talk show POLÍVKA NA VÍNĚ, and the quiz show by Leoš Mareš QI: NA VŠE MÁME ODPOVĚĎ (QI: We’ve Got An Answer To Everything). Then she became executive producer of the reality show PROSTŘENO! (The Table’s Set!), SUPERCHLAPI (Supermen), ČEŠI NA CESTÁCH (CZECHS ON THE ROAD) and many others. Currently, she’s the executive producer of the show JAK SE STAVÍ SEN – EXTRA (How to Build a Dream – Extra),

GOOD TV Production SE
Štítného 1233/34,
130 00 Praha 3

IČ: 24247570
DIČ: CZ24247570

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GOOD TV Production SE
Chlumova 7 ,
130 00 Praha 3

+420 255 707 333
+420 602 713 751